- The Customer Experience: “The Engine of Any Business”.
- The Service Difference in the Patient Journey
- Experience and Service, Together but Different.
- The Emotions Marketplace.
- How to Build Business Success with the Power of Emotions.
- Building Personal Branding through Emotions.
- How to Implement Emotional Marketing in Small Businesses.
- Driving Consumer Emotions
- Telling Stories that Sell
- Innovative Strategies for Customer Engagement

is a space created by Commeta that seeks to educate various target audiences for free on topics related to Commeta’s services, such as Digital Marketing, Communication and Public Relations, Planning, Social Networks, and other related subjects.

Through the use of virtual tools such as master classes, seminars, virtual chats, broadcasts, publications, blog articles, stories, and other mediums, the objective of Commeta Academy is to capture potential leads and increase the proportion of Commeta’s community.
Commeta Academy, has three tools to achieve the main objective, which are the following:
Seminars &
Personalized Training
& Development
Educational Courses
Educational courses are understood as additional training that serve to improve the professional and personal profile/performance of individuals. They can be taken to deepen a specific field of knowledge, learn something new out of curiosity, to generate credibility, or other reasons entirely. Generally, what exists on the Internet is an array of MOOCs, some of which are free and others are paid, in which the contents are predetermined and users can take them at their own pace. Companies, entrepreneurs, universities, schools, and other institutions have opted to offer this type of education.

One of the problems with this type of training is that users generally don’t have extra motivation in addition to their personal interest to delve into the course, finish it, and apply what they have learned. As a result, it becomes a memorize-and-forget exercise.

There are other types of more sophisticated online training consisting of several parts or courses of a single training related to a specific topic, where there is a support staff ready to help and provide advice in case of any doubt. The teacher conducts the class remotely, with conventional programs transferred to digital.
Seminars and Conferences
Seminars and conferences, constructed in an interesting and eye-catching way, are an excellent resource to educate people and attract them to an initiative. An interesting topic can be enough to convince people to generate changes with anecdotal examples, a good presentation, and a clear message.

Taking into account the above information,
some of the conferences available for use are as follows:

Additional conferences that can be added also include:
1. Tips to build
a successful
2. How to generate
with people.
3. Speech
Personalized Training
Personalized training is a demanded service nowadays. On many occasions, people need to know exactly what to do and what not to do in relation to their personal cases, so personalized training is a very good tool to generate leads.
A great example of personalized training is the masterclass. There are several masterclass, where people seek to create a predetermined content of value and then focus on attracting leads to consume it. There are few masterclasses that are live on the internet and that are customized to the needs of each client.